Why not experience an immersive Rainforest Relaxation at Issani Day Spa during your Daintree stay?
Issani’s Deep Relaxation techniques create suppleness, openness and a deep letting go in body and mind leaving you feeling lighter, clearer.
Water and herbal teas included
1 person $80
2+ people $60 p/p
1 person $120
2+ people $80 p/p
1 person $170
2+ people $120 p/p
Click here for Packages including a Deep Relaxation Session
To combine Relaxation with Ayurvedic Body Therapies, check out Ayurvedic Rejuvenation Retreats
Scroll down to find out more about the seamless progression of techniques

A gentle practice that allows the release of deeply held tensions whilst you are fully supported, lying on an extremely comfortable mat. Whilst in a state of relaxation, physical, emotional and mental tensions held deep in the connective tissues are effortlessly released. By gently unblocking tensions, we allow energy and the fluids of the body to flow, hydrating and softening previously dry and tight fascia and connective tissues.
Excellent for gently realigning the body and posture.
Simple positions are held for a minute or two, allowing the body to release into gravity with no pushing, no pressure … no effort no trying.
Apart from the benefits of increased flexibility, suppleness and postural alignment this practice develops the ability to allow and let go that will flow into your daily life, especially if you practice regularly.
It also creates a safe, grounded foundation for Sitting in Stillness Meditation.
A journey throughout your whole body-mind, as you lie fully supported on a specially devised soft, yet firm, cushioned mat.
An opportunity to effortlessly and safely tune into your body and senses whilst supported and surrounded by the sounds of the creek, birds, the breeze and the rainforest.
With a light open and soft awareness of arising sounds, physical sensations and thoughts, we connect more intimately with the present and to the realisation that we are the unlimited Presence that sensations are arising within.
Light, soft Awareness of sounds, feelings, and thoughts as they arise brings us more intimately into the present, to realise we are the Awareness or Presence that sensations arise within.
A gentle gong will mark time passing at 10 minute intervals and you can choose to stay Sitting in Stillness or transition to lying down on your cushioned mat and relaxing in Shavasana or unwinding on your mat go for a quiet , walk or have a herbal tea…whatever you like at your own pace. More advanced meditators can choose to stay in meditation for as long as they like during sessions. We close the session with some gentle awakening activity …
From a comfortable seated or prone position, chairs and meditation cushions provided, Issani will guide awareness of sounds, feelings, and thoughts as they arise, bringing us more intimately into the present and to the realisation that we are the unlimited Awareness or Presence that sensations arise in.
We close the session with some gentle awakening activity …
Time to intergrate sessions in your own way through coming back gently to alert awareness through gentle movement, walking around the rainforest, having a drink.
Whether consciously or not, we are all driven by desire, but what is the fundamental desire underlying all our separate desires? If you look closely, you will find the primary desire is for continuous peace and happiness, independent of transient conditions….for no “apparent reason.”
When engaging in an activity that absorbs us, we sometimes feel we have been transported “somewhere” or have been in “the zone”. Actually, we have been nowhere. Circumstances have temporarily connected us to the truth of our being and awakened us to the depth of our presence.
Our primal being is peace, happiness and unsullied awareness. It is so close and intimate, we tend to overlook it, like the sugar on the table, a sweet no-thing, the timeless, transparent presence in which everything is arising moment by moment.
As babies, the conditioned body-mind was not present, so we know that Awareness precedes the formation of the conditioned self. The conditioned body-mind arises by modifying some of the original Pure Awareness, becoming the deeply rooted “me as body-mind” idea. Babies are so attractive and delightful precisely because they precede this contraction and exude Awareness.
We have spent a lifetime unconsciously holding onto our conditioning. The identification, maintenance and attachment to the separate self requires a lot of energy and effort.
We can gently reverse this process, letting go into each moment of presence. We discover we are more than a dry set of memories and mind-stuff. We are life, pristine and eternally new.
This does not require a dismantling of the conditioned self or becoming an optionless, opinionless robot. If we look closely, we can see we are actually more robotic when driven by unconscious patterns. We simply question the identification and shift that emphasis from the limited, conditioned self to the actual pure freedom at our core. The tail becomes less and less likely to wag the dog, but we still keep our tails!
Awareness precedes both the body and the mind. Both arise within Awareness.
With gentle practices, the human body-mind can assume it’s most important purpose, becoming a unique conduit to absolute Awareness.
The transient body-mind is not “purpose built” for ultimate happiness. We all experience relative moments of happiness during favourable circumstances, yet deep down we know everything will change at some stage, including our body-mind. What we really crave is un-changing peace and happiness. Only this will authentically satisfy us at the deepest level as only this is what we essentially are. Our body-mind can, however, become a vehicle through which we can realise and live as limitless awareness.
Thinking we are just separate body-minds, we create individual virtual realities, which can be sometimes entertaining, sometimes painful, but cannot completely satisfy.
Because we are infinite, living this way confers a sense of lack. We try to fill this empty feeling, seeking happiness in external objects and pleasant sensations. As all objects, including our body-mind eventually pass away, we find no Ultimate Happiness in them and often feel fearful, saddened, frustrated and confused. This is not necessarily a bad thing. This friction and annoyance can encourage us to enquire more deeply into the Truth of Reality, the Truth that we are. We do not transform into an enlightened being. We reveal the pre-existing truth of our being.
We crave freedom because it is our essential Nature. This craving is not the problem, only the mis-placement of it. The Awakened state is not one in which there is no fun, pleasure or enjoyment. Most experiences become satisfactory as they arise freely and spontaneously in and as Awareness.
A Deep Relaxation Retreat can support you in revealing your essential Awareness via self-enquiry and as gentle, felt experience.